Small enough to listen,
big enough to fulfill

Small enough to listen,
big enough to fulfill

Small enough to listen,
big enough to fulfill

Chi siamo
Siamo una solida realtà produttiva che, da oltre 50 anni, progetta e produce utensili di perforazione di alta qualità per il settore delle fondamenta e delle palificazioni.
La nostra identità artigiana e la nostra esperienza ci permettono di realizzare internamente utensili per pali trivellati, quali bucket, eliche e carotieri, eliche continue CFA e aste telescopiche per macchine perforatrici.
Scopri la nostra gamma di prodotti
Gaggiotti nel mondo

Dicono di noi
We have been using Gaggiotti drilling tools for some time now. They are well designed, durable and are providing high performance in all soil conditions.
Gaggiotti is a reliable company, attentive, responding promptly to our specific requirements and we are considering them as a world class supplier.
Combined forces of BAM Infra Speciale Technieken and Gaggiotti have beaten the Liverpool sandstone installing 38 m long cased CFA piles at the Liverpool2 project.
With 41 m long Ø700 mm Gaggiotti CFA augers and Europe’s largest 52m high auger rigs BAM Infra Speciale Technieken has been drilling 11.5 m into the sandstone. BAM Infra Speciale Technieken
is very contented with the quality of the tools and the great service Gaggiotti has given to us.
During the past fourteen years that we have been using pile drilling tools from Gaggiotti, we have found these tools to be both durable and efficient even when drilling in fairly
hard strata including limestone rocks of medium strength. We have found Gaggiotti to be true to their commitments in so far as delivery dates are concerned. Also they are quick in responding
to our inquiries and concerns.
Notre longue collaboration avec l’Usine GAGGIOTTI nous permet aujourd’hui de pouvoir témoigner du sérieux de cette société. A l’écoute des expériences vécues et des difficultés rencontrées
sur les différents terrains, l’usine GAGGIOTTI a toujours adapté ces procédés de fabrication ainsi que la conception de ses outils en fonction des besoins concrets des chantiers. Ses précieux conseils ont toujours permis de donner entière satisfaction aux clients.
We appreciated the high quality of your products – tools, which are made in a very good ratio QUALITY / PRICE and with short delivery time. We really like your experience and passion in the
construction of Gaggiotti drilling tools. Also under client’s requests. Sometimes we asked for something different, new or strange and you discussed the drawing of such “strange” tool and we
always found the agreement and then you provide us such new tool or we asked to make such tool under our responsibility and you make it. If we need light cheap tools you can make them for us,
if we want to get HD tools you make them for us. I still remember that GAGGIOTTI was the first who has made the first “clay” auger without any pilot central bit and it works. The company GAGGIOTTI
is a reliable drilling tools maker, always keeping agreed conditions, good quality products, friendly and quickly responding our requests and if any problem appears, they solve it by a fair way.
We’re cooperating with them for more than 20 years.
Scopri le novità

Nuove tendenze per le macchine industriali
In the industrial sector, machines are embracing new trends that revolutionize efficiency and innovation. Artificial intelligence and machine learning allow machines to adapt and optimize processes.
IoT and global connection improve monitoring and collaboration. Collaborative robotics increases efficiency and safety. 3D printing allows for mass customization.
These trends are redefining the way industrial machines operate, bringing significant benefits to the manufacturing sector.
Scopri le novità
